George C. Pimentel
1922 - 1989

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Students and Research Collaborators 
at UC Berkeley

My life, like George's, has been enriched by staying in touch with many of his former students, and I regret that some contacts have been lost over the years. This list doubtless contains errors and omissions, and I urge readers to send corrections to . The list is in two forms:
first, chronological, within categories of graduate student, post doc, and "other” (comprising undergraduates, master's degrees, and visiting scholars);
second, a single alphabetical list.   

In 2006 I started a listserv – an e-mail discussion group e-mail list where people who studied with George can post messages about him and about each other. It is a private group, limited to those listed below. If you did not receive an invitation to join, or would like to reconsider, please e-mail me at , or go to .

My greetings to you all. 

--Jeanne Pimentel

Chronological List, in separate categories


Hrostowski, Henry J.1953Bondybey, Vladimir E.1971
Person, Willis B.1953Padrick, Thomas D.1971
Klemperer, William1954Ault, Bruce S.1973
Becker, Edwin D., Jr.1955Coombe, Robert1973
Dows, David A.1955Molina, Mario J.1973
Huggins, Charles M.1955Allamandola, Louis J.1974
Roebber, John L.1957McAfee, John M.1974
Brown, Harmon W.1958Cuellar, Enrique1975
Miazawa, Tatsuo1958Herr, Jessie J. M.1975
Milligan, Dolphus E.1958Beitz, James V.1976
Van Thiel, Mathias1958Krause, Florentine1976
Baldeschwieler, John D.1959Krogh, Ole D.1976
Goldfarb, Theodore1959Miziolek, Andrzej W.1976
Ewing, George E.1960Poole, Philip R.1976
Bass, Charles D.1961Lucas, Donald1977
Haller, Ivan1961Prochaska, Frank T.1977
Hanlan, James F.1962Reilly, James P.1977
Hall, Richard T.1963Long, Randolph1978
Moore, C. Bradley1963Lee, Yuan-Pern1979
Herr, Kenneth C.1964Richmond, Geraldine L.1980
Cairns, Bruce R.1965Sirkin, Eric R.1980
Kasper, Jerome V. V.1965Stachnik, Robert A.1982
Spratley, Richard D.1965Knudsen, Arne K.1983
Andrews, Wm. Lester S.1966Cartland, Harry1985
Carlson, Gary A.1966Kennedy, Alvin1985
Nibler, Joseph W.1966Abrash, Samuel A.1987
Rochkind, Mark M.1966Grassian, Vicki H.1987
Shirk, James S.1966Singmaster, Karen A.1987
Corneil, Paul H.1967Hoener, Carolyn F.1988
Nelson, Leonard1968Mulford, Roberta N.1988
Noble, Paul N.1968Young, Mark A.1988
Dodge, Marcia C.1969Morgan, Meredith1989
LeFohn, Allen S.1969Laursen, Sandra1990
Parker, John H.1969Wurfel, Brent1990
Tan, Luisa1969Harrison, James1991
Berry, Michael J.1970



McClellan, Aubrey1950Starico, Eduardo1972
Whittle, Eric1954Winer, Arthur M.1972
Leach, Sydney1957Wittig, Curt1973
Bulanin, Mike1960Weitz, Eric1974
Thompson, Warren E.1960Schafer, Trudi1975
Zimmerman, Reinhardt1961Lehman, Peter1976
Brocklehurst, Brian1962Cuellar, Enrique1977
Current, Jerry1962Fredin, Leif1978
Charles, Stuart1962Frei, Heinz1979
Leroi, George E.1962Collins, Susan1982
Turner, James J.1963Yang, Xue-Feng1984
Rosengren, Kjell1966Schrems, Otto1985
Jensen, Reed J.1967Chou, Pi-Tai1987
Kompa, Karl1967Consani, Keith1987
Stitt, Fred1967Braathen, Geir1988
Alcock, Bill1968Fitzmaurice, Donald1989
Ogawa, Teiichiro1969Grassian, Vicki H.1989
Horn, Dieter1970Orton, Edward1989
Tablas, F.M.G.1970Weiller, Bruce H.1989
Suchard, Steven N.1971Young, Mark A.1989
Varetti, Eduardo1971



Hisatsune, I. Clarence1951Jensen, Craig C.1974
Haseltine, William A.1966Steinback, Eleanor1974
Klein, Christopher W.1966Nordstrom, Brian H.1975
Schuyler, Michael W.1966Williams, David A.1975
Stone, Donald1966Ogunmola, Gabriel1976
Valenzuela, Ed1967Chen, Tun-Li1984
Elward-Berry, Julianne C.1969Casey, Patricia A.1988
Forney, Paul B.1969Andrew, Brent S.1989
Heller, Donald F.1969Armentraut, Derek1989
Huang, May1970Chapman,William1989
Challey, Robert E.1971Pugliano, Nicholas1989


Alphabetical List: all names, with date and type

G = graduate student; P = postdoc; U = undergraduate; M = masters degree;
O = other: visiting scholars who worked at Berkeley with George and some researchers from other groups like the Mars Mariner1969 team;  
(D) after the name means Deceased, and * indicates no current contact information.

Abrash, Samuel A. 1987 G Krause, Florentine* 1976 G
Alcock, Bill 1968 P Krogh, Ole D. 1976 G
Allamandola, Louis J. 1974 G Laursen, Sandra 1990 G
Andrew, Brent S.* 1989 U Leach, Sydney 1957 P
Andrews, Wm. Lester S. 1966 G Lee, Yuan-Pern 1979 G
Armentraut, Derek* 1989 U LeFohn, Allen S. 1969 G
Ault, Bruce S. 1973 G Lehman, Peter 1976 P
Baldeschwieler, John D. 1959 G Leroi, George E. 1962 P
Bass, Charles David 1961 G Long, Randolph 1978 G
Becker, Edwin D., Jr. 1955 G Lucas, Donald 1977 G
Beitz, James V. 1976 G McAfee, John M. 1974 G
Berry, Michael J. 1970 G McClellan, Aubrey (D) 1950 P
Bondybey, Vladimir E. 1971 G Miazawa, Tatsuo (D) 1958 G
Braathen, Geir 1988 P Milligan, Dolphus E. (D) 1958 G
Brocklehurst, Brian (D) 1962 P Miziolek, Andrzej W. 1976 G
Brown, Harmon W. 1958 G Molina, Mario J. 1973 G
Bulanin, Mike 1960 P Moore, C. Bradley 1963 G
Cairns, Bruce R. 1965 G Morgan, Meredith 1989 G
Carlson, Gary A.* 1966 G Mulford, Roberta N. 1988 G
Cartland, Harry* 1985 G Nelson, Leonard 1968 G
Casey, Patricia A. 1988 U Nibler, Joseph W. 1966 G
Cesaro, Stella 1983 P Noble, Paul N. 1968 G
Challey, Robert E. 1971 M Nordstrom, Brian H.* 1975 U
Chapman,William 1989 O Ogawa, Teiichiro 1969 P
Charles, Stuart 1962 P Ogunmola, Gabriel 1976 O
Chen, Tun-Li 1984 O Orton, Edward 1989 P
Chou, Pi-Tai 1987 P Padrick, Thomas D. 1971 G
Collins, Susan 1982 P Parker, John H. 1969 G
Consani, Keith* 1987 P Person, Willis B. 1953 G
Coombe, Robert 1973 G Poole, Philip R. 1976 G
Corneil, Paul H. 1967 G Prochaska, Frank T. 1977 G
Cuellar, Enrique 1975 G Pugliano, Nicholas 1989 O
Cuellar, Enrique 1977 P Reilly, James P. 1977 G
Current, Jerry 1962 P Richmond, Geraldine L. 1980 G
Dodge, Marcia C. 1969 G Rochkind, Mark M. 1966 G
Dows, David A. 1955 G Roebber, John L. 1957 G
Ellis, Walton P.* 1953 U Rollefson, Gerhard C. 1958 U
Elward-Berry, Julianne C. 1969 M Rosengren, Kjell 1966 P
Ewing, George E. 1960 G Salama, Farid 1989 O
Fitzmaurice, Donald 1989 P Schafer, Trudi* 1975 O
Forney, Paul B. 1969 O Schrems, Otto 1985 P
Fournier, Janine 1976 O Schuyler, Michael W. 1966 U
Fredin, Leif 1978 P Shirk, James S. 1966 G
Frei, Heinz 1979 P Singmaster, Karen A. 1987 G
Gadd, Gerry 1987 P Sirkin, Eric R. 1980 G
Goldfarb, Theodore* 1959 G Spratley, Richard D. 1965 G
Graetzel , Michael 1988 O Stachnik, Robert A. 1982 G
Grassian, Vicki H. 1987 G Staricco, Eduardo 1972 P
Grassian, Vicki H. 1989 P Steinback, Eleanor 1974 U
Hall, Richard T. 1963 G Stitt, Fred (D) 1967 P
Haller, Ivan 1961 G Stone, Donald 1966 O
Hanlan, James F.* 1962 G Suchard, Steven N. 1971 P
Harrison, James 1991 G Tablas, F.M.G. "Paco" 1970 P
Haseltine, William A. 1966 U Tan, Luisa (Molina) 1969 G
Heller, Donald F. 1969 U Thompson, Warren E. 1960 O
Herr, Jessie J. M. 1975 G Turner, James J. 1963 P
Herr, Kenneth C. 1964 G Valenzuela, Ed* 1967 U
Hisatsune, I. Clarence 1951 O Van Thiel, Mathias 1958 G
Hoener, Carolyn F. (Gondran) 1988 G Varetti, Eduardo 1971 P
Horn, Dieter (D) 1970 P Weiller, Bruce H. 1989 P
Hrostowski, Henry J. (D) 1953 G Weitz, Eric 1974 P
Huang, May* 1970 M Whittle, Eric 1954 P
Huggins, Charles M. (D) 1955 G Williams, David A. 1975 O
Jacox, Marilyn 1960 O Wilson, Leroy Jr. 1965 M
Jensen, Craig C. 1974 U Winer, Arthur M. 1972 P
Jensen, Reed J.* 1967 P Wittig, Curt 1973 P
Kasper, Jerome V. V. 1965 G Wurfel, Brent 1990 G
Kennedy, Alvin 1985 G Yang, Xue-Feng 1984 P
Klein, Christopher W. 1966 U Young, Mark A. 1988 G
Klemperer, William 1954 G Young, Mark A. 1989 P
Knudsen, Arne K. 1983 G Zimmerman, Reinhardt* 1961 P
Kompa, Karl 1967 P

Copyright © 2003 - 2018 Jeanne Pimentel

Welcome | Commencement Address | Selected Biographical Summaries
Awards Named for George C. Pimentel | Students and Research Collaborators
Continuing Influence: Mars Research  | Matrix Isolation
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