George C. Pimentel
1922 - 1989 |
Students and Research Collaborators
at UC Berkeley
My life, like George's, has been enriched by staying in touch with many of his former students, and I regret that some contacts have been lost over the years. This list doubtless contains errors and omissions, and I urge readers to send corrections to
. The list is in two forms: |
first, chronological, within categories of graduate student, post doc, and "other” (comprising undergraduates, master's degrees, and
visiting scholars);
second, a single alphabetical list. |
In 2006 I started a listserv – an e-mail discussion group e-mail list where people who studied with George can post messages about him and about each other. It is a private group, limited to those listed below. If you did not receive an invitation to join, or would like to reconsider, please e-mail me at
, or go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gcpfriends .
My greetings to you all.
--Jeanne Pimentel
Chronological List, in separate categories
Hrostowski, Henry J. | 1953 | | Bondybey, Vladimir E. | 1971 |
Person, Willis B. | 1953 | | Padrick, Thomas D. | 1971 |
Klemperer, William | 1954 | | Ault, Bruce S. | 1973 |
Becker, Edwin D., Jr. | 1955 | | Coombe, Robert | 1973 |
Dows, David A. | 1955 | | Molina, Mario J. | 1973 |
Huggins, Charles M. | 1955 | | Allamandola, Louis J. | 1974 |
Roebber, John L. | 1957 | | McAfee, John M. | 1974 |
Brown, Harmon W. | 1958 | | Cuellar, Enrique | 1975 |
Miazawa, Tatsuo | 1958 | | Herr, Jessie J. M. | 1975 |
Milligan, Dolphus E. | 1958 | | Beitz, James V. | 1976 |
Van Thiel, Mathias | 1958 | | Krause, Florentine | 1976 |
Baldeschwieler, John D. | 1959 | | Krogh, Ole D. | 1976 |
Goldfarb, Theodore | 1959 | | Miziolek, Andrzej W. | 1976 |
Ewing, George E. | 1960 | | Poole, Philip R. | 1976 |
Bass, Charles D. | 1961 | | Lucas, Donald | 1977 |
Haller, Ivan | 1961 | | Prochaska, Frank T. | 1977 |
Hanlan, James F. | 1962 | | Reilly, James P. | 1977 |
Hall, Richard T. | 1963 | | Long, Randolph | 1978 |
Moore, C. Bradley | 1963 | | Lee, Yuan-Pern | 1979 |
Herr, Kenneth C. | 1964 | | Richmond, Geraldine L. | 1980 |
Cairns, Bruce R. | 1965 | | Sirkin, Eric R. | 1980 |
Kasper, Jerome V. V. | 1965 | | Stachnik, Robert A. | 1982 |
Spratley, Richard D. | 1965 | | Knudsen, Arne K. | 1983 |
Andrews, Wm. Lester S. | 1966 | | Cartland, Harry | 1985 |
Carlson, Gary A. | 1966 | | Kennedy, Alvin | 1985 |
Nibler, Joseph W. | 1966 | | Abrash, Samuel A. | 1987 |
Rochkind, Mark M. | 1966 | | Grassian, Vicki H. | 1987 |
Shirk, James S. | 1966 | | Singmaster, Karen A. | 1987 |
Corneil, Paul H. | 1967 | | Hoener, Carolyn F. | 1988 |
Nelson, Leonard | 1968 | | Mulford, Roberta N. | 1988 |
Noble, Paul N. | 1968 | | Young, Mark A. | 1988 |
Dodge, Marcia C. | 1969 | | Morgan, Meredith | 1989 |
LeFohn, Allen S. | 1969 | | Laursen, Sandra | 1990 |
Parker, John H. | 1969 | | Wurfel, Brent | 1990 |
Tan, Luisa | 1969 | | Harrison, James | 1991 |
Berry, Michael J. | 1970 | | | |
McClellan, Aubrey | 1950 | | Starico, Eduardo | 1972 |
Whittle, Eric | 1954 | | Winer, Arthur M. | 1972 |
Leach, Sydney | 1957 | | Wittig, Curt | 1973 |
Bulanin, Mike | 1960 | | Weitz, Eric | 1974 |
Thompson, Warren E. | 1960 | | Schafer, Trudi | 1975 |
Zimmerman, Reinhardt | 1961 | | Lehman, Peter | 1976 |
Brocklehurst, Brian | 1962 | | Cuellar, Enrique | 1977 |
Current, Jerry | 1962 | | Fredin, Leif | 1978 |
Charles, Stuart | 1962 | | Frei, Heinz | 1979 |
Leroi, George E. | 1962 | | Collins, Susan | 1982 |
Turner, James J. | 1963 | | Yang, Xue-Feng | 1984 |
Rosengren, Kjell | 1966 | | Schrems, Otto | 1985 |
Jensen, Reed J. | 1967 | | Chou, Pi-Tai | 1987 |
Kompa, Karl | 1967 | | Consani, Keith | 1987 |
Stitt, Fred | 1967 | | Braathen, Geir | 1988 |
Alcock, Bill | 1968 | | Fitzmaurice, Donald | 1989 |
Ogawa, Teiichiro | 1969 | | Grassian, Vicki H. | 1989 |
Horn, Dieter | 1970 | | Orton, Edward | 1989 |
Tablas, F.M.G. | 1970 | | Weiller, Bruce H. | 1989 |
Suchard, Steven N. | 1971 | | Young, Mark A. | 1989 |
Varetti, Eduardo | 1971 | | | |
Hisatsune, I. Clarence | 1951 | | Jensen, Craig C. | 1974 |
Haseltine, William A. | 1966 | | Steinback, Eleanor | 1974 |
Klein, Christopher W. | 1966 | | Nordstrom, Brian H. | 1975 |
Schuyler, Michael W. | 1966 | | Williams, David A. | 1975 |
Stone, Donald | 1966 | | Ogunmola, Gabriel | 1976 |
Valenzuela, Ed | 1967 | | Chen, Tun-Li | 1984 |
Elward-Berry, Julianne C. | 1969 | | Casey, Patricia A. | 1988 |
Forney, Paul B. | 1969 | | Andrew, Brent S. | 1989 |
Heller, Donald F. | 1969 | | Armentraut, Derek | 1989 |
Huang, May | 1970 | | Chapman,William | 1989 |
Challey, Robert E. | 1971 | | Pugliano, Nicholas | 1989 |